Products & Services

Auto Cooling Clayton for many years has supplied quality radiators to trade customers and the general public. With a huge influx of cheap, inferior radiators we avoid selling the cheap and nasty products that MIGHT get you by for the short term but wont last – or cause more costly damage. We only want to be working on your car once and do it properly.
We cater for customers who are willing to pay that little bit extra for a better quality radiator, as well as those who are more budget conscious. From motorbikes, to heavy industrial radiators Auto Cooling Clayton has it all. In many cases we may also be able to repair your existing radiator, having a leaking radiator doesn’t always mean you need a new one. So get in contact with us and we will be glad to assist you in identifying which course of action you should take.
- New Complete (Supplier of the world’s best brands)
- Repairs
- Reconditioned
- Recores
- Flushing
- Plastic Tank Replacement and Repairs
- Changeover
- Aluminium Repairs
- Custom
- Car, Truck, Industrial

Air Conditioning
If those hot days are making it uncomfortable in your car, we are also qualified air conditioning technicians. We are ARC licensed and an ARC authorized workshop (AU 10786). We practice environmentally friendly handling of your cars air conditioning system. From a basic regas to a new compressor, no job is too big or too small.
- Full Air Conditioning Service, Repairs, and Modifications
- De-Gas & Re-Gas
- Nitrogen Testing
- Supply New Compressors, Condensers, T.X. Valves, Evaporators, Hoses etc..

What you may not know about Auto Cooling Clayton is that we can make sure you stay warm all year round by carrying out any repair or replacement of your vehicles heater. In most cases your air conditioning will have to be de-gassed and re-gassed on removal of the heater. We can do it all for you.
- New Complete (Supplier of the world's best brands)
- Repairs & Recores
- Full Installation